If you were to ask the average person that you might meet during your day what the largest international market is today, they would most likely guess its the worlds stock markets. Their second guess would then be international commodities markets. Tell them its the international 4X markets and their next question would inevitably be, "what is 4X"? For decades now multinational corporations and large international banking institutions have been trading 4X and making huge sums of money, while most regular working people have looked to the worlds stock markets as the preferred place to invest their money. The problem with stock markets though, is that they are too vulnerable to undue influences that are difficult if not impossible to calculate.
Wagering on Personal Knowledge
4X trading is very different from trading in the stock market in a few very specific ways. When you invest in a stock you are, in a way, wagering on the success in a company for the coming future. When you trade in 4X, you are wagering on knowledge that you posses concerning impending changes in the value of a countries currency.
The Downsides of Stock Investments
While 401Ks do offer the benefit of tax deferment and employer contribution, the downside of them is that they are invested in the stock market. The problem with the stock market, is that it is like one big ship, in that no matter which end of it one runs to, if it is sinking they are going down with it.
Massive Profit Potential
The 4X market on the other hand always has opportunity for profit. By trading in the worlds leading currencies it is possible to generate huge profits even while the world economies are in decline. This is not theory but rather it is fact and people are doing it twenty- four hours a day, every day of the year.
Endless Possibilities
4X trading has a much higher potential for profits then the stock market. With margin and leverage rates available at up to 200-1 and currencies around the globe fluctuating daily, a person can potentially parlay a relatively modest investment into millions in profits is less than a years time.
Written by Samuel Gibsten. Get all you wanted to know about 4x Trading and even Automatic Forex Trading.
Reuters - The average U.S. retail gasoline price fell 26 cents over the last week to $2.66 a gallon, the cheapest pump price since March 2007, the Energy Department said on Monday.
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